Monthly Theme Winners 2019

Monthly Theme Winners 2019

“Emotion” Joseph Zubricky 2019 “Emotion” Marcus Partridge 2019 “Emotion” Laura Radridge 2019 “Emotion” Jana Malinek 2019 “Ice” Shaun Placsko 2019 “Trains” Marnie Pettit 2019 “Trains”...
Monthly Theme Winners

Monthly Theme Winners

“Blue Bridge” Len Vallie 2021 “Night shift” Bert Port 2021 “All the Colours” Ellen Vallie 2021 “Night Open” Marcus Partridge “Tree Framed Rocks” Len Vallie 2021 “Hoe Down on Columbia” Bob Dyke...
Monthly Theme Winners

Monthly Theme winners 2021

“Blue Bridge” Len Vallie 2021 “Night shift” Bert Port 2021 “All the Colours” Ellen Vallie 2021 “Night Open” Marcus Partridge “Tree Framed Rocks” Len Vallie 2021 “Hoe Down on Columbia” Bob Dyke...
Monthly Theme Winners 2020

Monthly Theme Winners 2020

‘Waterton Road” Laura Radridge 2020 “Picture within a picure” Laura Radridge 2020 “Bricks of Change” Shaun Placsko 2020 “Visul Rhythm” Len Vallie 2020 “Leaf” Jana Malinek 2020 “Fall colours” Bob...
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